
A Tremendous Truth

“In him all the fullness of the Godhead was pleased to dwell.” (Colossians 1:19 JND)

John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, was filled with the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb (see Luke 1:15). The Lord Jesus, on the other hand, was begotten by the Holy Spirit. He did not need to be filled with the Spirit because He was full of the Holy Spirit at all times (see Luke 4:1)!

When He lay in Bethlehem’s manger, His body was already the temple where the fullness of the Godhead—the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit— dwelt in the flesh (see Col. 1:19).

Just as the grain offering was mixed with oil, so Jesus’ life was also marked perfectly by the work of the Holy Spirit. Even from childhood, He lived under the constant guidance of the Spirit of God—not only from the moment when the Spirit came upon Him, in full sight of all at His baptism. The decisions He made as a twelve-year-old boy, and also the words He spoke at that time, proceeded from the working of the Holy Spirit in Him.

Who receives the Spirit of God today? Anyone who takes God at His word by believing in the message of the gospel of salvation (see Eph. 1:13). If you have done this, then your body is now a temple where a divine Person dwells day and night (see 1 Cor. 6:19). We owe this Person reverence, love and trust. The Holy Spirit has a specific will at all times and wants to guide you in every situation of your life. This is a tremendous truth that we forget all too quickly in everyday life.

Your body no longer belongs to you, but is a temple of the Holy Spirit and thus belongs to the One Who bought it with His blood (see 1 Cor. 6:19-20). God has separated you for Himself, has set you apart.

That is why He calls you to live a holy life and to keep your body holy. He demands that you give Him your life without reservation. The Holy Spirit Who dwells in you needs a holy dwelling in order to be able to work freely in you and through you!

What changes would you make in your ‘home’ if suddenly a world-famous personality announced that he would be visiting you today? What can you do so that you are ‘tidied up’ on the inside? Be aware that the Holy Spirit has a will for you every day and wants to guide you in everything you think, say and do! And the Holy Spirit is more than a ‘guest.’ He abides in you permanently.


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