Willing to suffer?
„For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake“ (Phil 1:29)
Let us honestly ask ourselves with what attitude of heart and willingness we accept God’s will, when it implies that we are to go through suffering (see for example 1 Pet. 3:17).
Paul writes to the Philippians that it was not only given to them to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for Him (see Phil 1:29).
In this context, the example of the first Christians recorded in Acts is also impressive. When they were threatened, they didn’t ask God to deliver them from persecution. Instead, they prayed that He would give them the boldness to continue to witness for the Lord faithfully (see Acts 4:29).
A short time later, two of them were beaten by the Jews. How did they react to this? They rejoiced that they had been counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Jesus (see Acts 5:40-41).
This makes it clear that they not only accepted the suffering with meekness, but also that it was even an honour for them to be allowed to suffer for Christ. How would we react if people were to beat us because of our faith?
We realise how challenging the issue is and how far behind we probably are in responding meekly when suffering hits us. Often it also takes some time to find a ‘yes’ to it—and we should know that the Lord knows this and is longsuffering with us!
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