
Living in the Light of Eternity

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Ps 90:12)

Living in the light of eternity - that is the focus we need again today. That we ask ourselves the question: What will count in 10,000 years? What will really matter?

In 10,000 years, it won't matter which car we drove, who won the cricket or Basketball championship, who had the most beautiful handbag or what our best vacation was. In 10,000 years, the only thing that will count is: who is in heaven and who is in hell! Who has accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and who has not.

What will count then is how much fruit we have borne for God in our lives. How much Christlikeness has become visible in us. To what extent we have served God with devotion and have been a blessing to other people.

Let's think more about this question: What will count in 10,000 years? Am I trying to win people for Christ today so that they will worship God in heaven in eternity? And what things in my life really have eternal value?


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