
Perfectly timed!

“And immediately he compelled the disciples to go on board ship, and to go on before him to the other side, until he should have dismissed the crowds. And having dismissed the crowds, he went up into the mountain apart to pray. And when even was come, he was alone there.” (Matthew 14:22-23)

The Son of God calmly took time to dismiss the crowds in peace. When, because of their full stomachs (see John 6:15), they suddenly wanted to make Him King in spontaneous enthusiasm, He withdrew alone to the mountain to pray there. When temptation comes, prayer is always a reliable weapon to resist the devil!

How much time might He have spent in prayer that evening? Certainly He prayed on the mountain for His disciples who were fighting the waves on the stormy lake during that time. That same Jesus (see Acts 1:11; Eph 4:10) Who went up on the mountain to pray for His disciples on that occasion, is now - at this moment - acting as High Priest at the right hand of God for you (see Heb 7:25). Do you reflect on this sometimes?

The next thing we are told about Him is that He met the disciples on the lake in the fourth watch of the night, that is, between 3 and 6 o'clock in the morning. Although He knew that they had already been in great trouble for several hours, He was waiting in prayer for the right time to come to their aid - that is true dependence! In one word He could have commanded the wind and the waves from the mountain, but He did not. Instead, He wanted His disciples to experience that He would meet them at the right time in their need, to help them in mercy and grace (see Heb 4:16).

One of the reasons God allows trials and opposition in our lives is so that we (again) direct our eyes only to Him. In times of need He wants us to get to know Him better and thereby grow spiritually. Just like the disciples, we too can learn through the experience of faith that He is truly the Son of God, Who is above every problem, every challenge and every fear that plagues us (see Matt 14:33).


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