Golgatha (1) – Sein Kreuz tragendEine Person verlässt mit einem Kreuz auf den Schultern Jerusalem. Es ist Jesus von Nazareth. Er ist auf dem Weg nach Golgatha – dem Platz, wo die Römer ihre Verbrecher hinrichteten...
Wahre Hingabe (12) – Was ist deine Antwort?Artikelreihe: Wahre Hingabe
Und dann wird gesagt: „Für uns ist er arm geworden.“ Was waren wir denn? Wir waren Feinde Gottes, wir waren kraftlos, wir waren gottlos, hassenswürdig, voller Schuld...
Wahre Hingabe (11) – Das Vorbild des Herrn JesusArtikelreihe: Wahre Hingabe
Dann kommt Paulus auf den Herrn Jesus zu sprechen, und das ist natürlich das allergrößte und wunderbarste Beispiel, das es überhaupt gibt...
Christ, the Spiritual LightThe first great act of God in creation was to say, “Let there be light: and there was light”. This light was independent of the sun because it was brought about before that heavenly body...
Moriah – Devotion and SubmissionThere is no indication in the text of Genesis 22 that Abraham revealed anything ot Isaac's involvement in what he was doing until Isaac himself raised the question...
He Had No RightsHe had no rights: No right to a soft bed, and a well-laid table; no right to a home of His own, a place where His own pleasure might be sought...
Christ - the seed of AbrahamIt is only in Christ that the promises of God find ultimate fulfilment. Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Today let us rejoice in Him alone for all God’s promises in Him are yea and amen...
The gospel and envyThe gospel scheme, all of it from beginning to end, tends to the contrary of the spirit of envy. The Christian form of doctrine doth abundantly hold forth those things which militate against a spirit of envy...
The humility of Christ (8)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
Although Christ knew that He would be crucified facing incredible sufferings from the hands of men and finally also from the hands of God, He thought more of the needs of His disciples than of the things concerning Himself...
The humility of Christ (7)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
It is striking to see that Christ never used His power for His personal benefit...