The humility of Christ (6)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
Christ was not focused on the satisfaction of His natural needs, but He longed to do the will of His Father and to respond to the spiritual need of lost sinners...
Wohlstands-EvangeliumGott ist genug! Gott ist gut. Er wird sich unser annehmen, Er wird alle unsere Bedürfnisse stillen, Er wird uns durch dies hindurchführen...
The humility of Christ (5)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
Another feature of humility is when someone is not so much occupied with himself, but thinks more of others and their needs...
The humility of Christ (4)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
Christ's lowly mind is also seen in the contacts that He had with people. Many times we find Him in touch with poor people and with those who were despised and cast out from the jewish society...
The humility of Christ (3)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
The lowliness and humility of Christ also became visible in the different stages of His life. We should never forget that He was the eternal Son of God who willingly chose all the stations of His earthly life...
The humility of Christ (2)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
That was the mind of Christ: To give up things and to descent lower and lower. He layed aside His outward glory, He made Himself nothing, He took the form of a bondman and became lower than the angels...
The humility of Christ (1)Artikelreihe: The humility of Christ
It is God’s intention that we become more and more conformed to the image of His Son. We have received the life of Christ and now this life should become visible through us...
Der Morgenstern (Offenbarung 22,16)Hast Du schon daran gedacht, dass der Herr Jesus heute wiederkommen könnte? Ist der Morgenstern schon in Deinem Herzen aufgegangen oder schläfst Du noch?...
Verlass Dich auf Gottes Wort!Verlass dich mehr auf Gottes Wort und Gottes Macht als auf deine Gefühle und Erfahrungen. Dein Fels ist Christus...
"Siehe" - Schau auf Jesus (3)Hast Du Gott schon einmal dafür gedankt, dass Er Seinem Sohn Jesus Christus einen Ehrenplatz im Himmel zu Seiner Rechten gegeben hat?...