Gott ist LichtWas bedeutet es, dass Gott Licht ist? Welche Auswirkung sollte diese wunderbare Wahrheit auf mein Glaubensleben haben? Staune über das großartige Wesen Gottes!
Pleasing God"I don't want to be weary of God's dealings with me," said Bickersteth, on his death-bed; "I want to glorify Jesus in them, and to find Him more precious."...
Sympathy from ChristHow earnestly and touchingly did Christ ask His disciples: "Stay here and watch with me, while I go yonder and pray."...
Die Einzigartigkeit GottesGott ist großartig und einzigartig. Was bedeutet das für mein Glaubensleben?
ThankfulnessA thankful spirit pervaded the entire life of Jesus, and surrounded with a heavenly halo His otherwise darkened path. In moments we least expect to find it...
Der Geruch des ChristenWenn wir Jesus als unseren Herrn angenommen haben, dann merken unsere Mitmenschen das - über kurz oder lang. Und zwar an unserem „Geruch“ ...
Gentleness in rebukeHow beautifully did Jesus unite intense sensibility to sin — along with tenderest compassion for the sinner...
Erziehung GottesGottes Erziehung hat nichts mit Vergeltung für unser kindliches Fehlverhalten zu tun, wenn wir auch manchmal so denken...
Consider Jesus – in the Forgiveness of InjuryIf the Christian precept of FORGIVENESS be estimated by the magnitude of the injury forgiven, then these words of Jesus present to our view a forgiveness of an inconceivable and unparalleled injury...
Fidelity in rebukeJesus never spoke one unnecessarily harsh or severe word. The giving of a wise reproof requires much Christian prudence and delicate discretion...