How to follow Christ step by stepSome practical hints as to how we can follow the Lord Jesus step by step - illustrated in Numbers 9 ...
Warning against reading Newspapers, Youtube and listening to wrong musicIf we really walk with God, in this wilderness world, our souls shall be satisfied with the portion which He gives, and that portion is heavenly Christ. Can He ever fail to satisfy? Does He not satisfy the heart of God? ...
Wer nicht mit mir sammelt, zerstreutEine Absonderung, die nicht allein Christus zum Ziel hätte, wäre sektiererisch. Es wäre einfach das Verlassen des einen Lagers, um ein besseres zu errichten...
Zu SpätJerusalem liegt ohne Wolken, nicht mal ein laues Lüftchen weht. Ich fürchtete ihm nachzufolgen. Ich hoffte, dass der Wind sich dreht...
Looking unto Jesus only!The enemy would have us look at any and all of these things rather than Jesus ...
Is Christ the Object of Your Heart?More and more I am made to feel that Christ does not have His proper place among the children of God. Something beside Christ is their object — a doctrine, a dogma, a party, a denomination, or their experience ...
How to Live On ChristAbout Harriet Beecher Stowe. Paragraphs used in a booklet sent by Hudson Taylor to all the China Inland Missionaries in 1869 ...
Wie bekomme ich Frieden mit Gott? Dass Du noch keinen Frieden hast, hat seinen tiefsten Grund darin, dass Du dem Wort Gottes nicht vorbehaltlos glaubst ...
Are You Advancing In The World?What was the goal of Christ`s earthly career? Was it an elevated, influential position in this world? By no means. What then? ...
Are You Willing to Suffer With Christ?The more I love Jesus, the closer I shall walk with Him, and the closer I walk with Him, the more faithfully I shall imitate Him, and the more faithfully I imitate Him, the more I shall suffer with Him ...