
Home, Sweet Home

How will the Lord find us when He returns soon?

The story is told that during the American Civil War, when the rival armies were encamped on the opposite banks of the Potomac River, the Union’s band played one of its patriotic tunes, and the Confederate musicians quickly struck up a melody dear to any Southerner’s heart. Then one of the bands started to play “Home, Sweet Home.” The musical competition ceased, and the musicians from the other army joined in. Soon voices from both sides of the river could be heard singing, “There is no place like home.”

The spiritual lesson is:

Instead of fighting each other, we as Christians should focus more on the fact that the Lord is coming soon. That He will bring us all to the same heavenly home where we will spend eternity together.

This would perhaps lead to many a dispute being resolved and broken relationships being restored! Therefore, let us practice what Paul says in Philippians 4:5: “Let your gentleness be known to all men; the Lord is near.”


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