
Some Hints to Praying Souls! (2)

In praying do not think of yourself as knocking at a closed door. Christ's dying cry rent the veil in two, and opened up both to vision and entrance the holy of holies with the mercy seat. Let us come boldly to a throne of grace. God is not a reluctant God, needing to be besieged like a walled city, which must be compelled to capitulate. Let us not spell beseech, besiege.

Do not forget that others for whom you are praying may get more comfort from your intercession than you get out of it.

The injunction to pray is not one but seven. It is in effect a command to acquaint thyself with God, to be conformed to His image, to keep yourself in His love, to study to show thyself approved unto Him, to be a co-worker together with God, to taste and see that the Lord is good, to commission Him concerning the work of His hands.

The greatest obstacle to the conversion of men is not any barrier in them so much as a barrier in us. The church as a corporate body, have never yet accepted, intelligently, lovingly, joyfully and confidently, the promises of God to praying souls.

The true intercessor learns to claim blessing. He sees all good provided and ready, and he comes to it as a hungry child to his father's table, not to ask to be fed, but to help himself to what his father's love has spread before him.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, Put first things first, and God will add the secondary things without you seeking them. In such a sublime transaction as giving yourself to God - body, soul and spirit, He throws in “all these things” as if not even worthy to be counted or mentioned (Mt 6:33). 

Cultivate a holy calm as a preparation for private prayer, as a lake while it is ruffled, can not reflect the over-arching heavens; so your heart while disturbed and distracted, can not reflect the face of God. Wait before God until you are at peace.


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