Restfulness of heart
The great thing we need for progress is restfulness of heart. I do not believe that there is simple restfulness of heart until union with Christ is known, not merely as a doctrine, but as the unalterable bond of affection. You are not only assured of His grace in saving you, but you have found Him so necessary to you that you cannot live without Him; then to find out that you are united to Him is absolute solace and divine
Vorheriges Zitat Nächstes Zitat
Weitere Zitate zu: Liebe
- Lord, give me ...
- An evidence of God's love
- Das Herz Gottes
- Lieben oder Liebe fordern?
- How God is well pleased
- Trost im Elend
- The main business of christian life
- Wenn dir Unrecht getan wird
- 2 proofs for the increase of love
- Woran erkennt man Christen?
- Fußwaschung
- What true repentance does
- Study to know Him
- Ein wichtiger Gedanke
- Das leitende Prinzip unseres Verhaltens
- Wer gibt was?
- Restfulness of heart
- Christus und der Sünder
„Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, wie gut!“ (Spr 15,23)