
Christ, the BREAD OF LIFE

Rest your eye into yonder bakery shop, there stands a silent preacher of your beneficent Redeemer. It reminds you of His gracious saying, "I am the Bread of Life." Grace gives us an appetite — and Jesus is the only object which will satisfy it. Receiving Christ into our hearts by faith, strengthens us within our souls; and enables us to . . .
work for His glory,
conquer our foes, and
run the race set before us with readiness and delight.

The bread from the bakery must be purchased — but Jesus is freely given; that bread will perish with the using — but "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever." That bread belongs to one person — but "the bread of life" is the common property of all who "believe on His name." I must have bread — or starve; I must have Christ — or perish; "Bread of Heaven! feed me until I want no more."

Is He compared to wine or bread?
Dear Lord, my soul would thus be fed;
That flesh, that dying blood of thine,
Is bread of life, is heavenly wine.


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