
The right way or reasoning

“My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth” (Ps 121:2)

We all have to deal with problems and difficulties that God allows in our lives time and again. The question is how we deal with them!

There are two ways we can look at problems. One is that we focus on the problem. That it stands in front of us like a huge mountain and takes over our entire thinking. And then we lose sight of God. Perhaps at some point we look up in doubt and ask ourselves whether God is able to solve this big problem.

But there is another approach: And that is to focus on God. That we keep His greatness before our eyes. That we realize how powerful and wonderful He is.

If we then look at the problem in the light of God's greatness, we come to a completely different conclusion than before. Because then we become convinced that for this great, mighty God, this problem is not really a problem at all. That nothing is impossible for Him and that He has everything under control!

Therefore, focus on the greatness of God and not on the greatness of your problems!


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