
Usefullness and Devotedness

No right-minded Christian would wish to be useless, but usefulness may usurp the place of devotedness. It is our business to serve whenever and wherever the opportunity occurs, but our first thought should be the Lord Himself.

Men can commend usefulness, but the heart of Christ values devotedness above all things. Usefulness makes demands upon us, there must be the expenditure of energy, but devotedness claims us entirely. If to be useful is my only thought, I may think much of myself in it and labour much to satisfy my own thoughts, but if I am devoted to Christ He absorbs me. Certainly I shall not be less useful to Him, but self will be forgotten in the service.

Anna is an example: she was a widow so devoted to the God of Israel that she was permitted to be the first to greet Him when He entered the Temple; and the widow who gave her two mites—all her living—is another: she was approved of Him the last time He was in the Temple.


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