
When God speaks

“God spake” (Gen. 46:2).

Any man may hear the voice of God. When man will listen, God speaks. When God speaks, men are changed. When men are changed, nations are changed. In the ancient days God spake, and the wonderful things which He told Moses on the mountaintop have inspired mankind for centuries. Down through the years men of God have heard His voice.

God spake to George Müller, and he became the modern apostle of faith.

Hudson Taylor heard Him speak, as he walked by the seashore on a memorable Sabbath morning, and in obedience to that Voice he launched forth into inland China, establishing Mission Stations in every province of that vast country.

God spake to Dr. A. B. Simpson and he stepped aside from a well-beaten path, and like Abraham of old “went forth, not knowing whither he went.” Today, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, operating in more than twenty Mission Fields of the world, is the result of his obedience and untold numbers have been blessed through his ministry.

Charles Cowman heard the “soft and gentle Voice,” when God spake saying, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee.” The result—The Oriental Missionary Society, with hundreds of Mission Stations dotted all over the Orient! And now its activities embrace the wide world.


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