
When the really vital is demanded

“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” (Phil 3:10

Many Christians are satisfied with expenditure in which there is no “shedding of blood.” They give away what they can easily spare. Their gifts are detached things, and the surrender of them necessitates no bleeding.  

They engage in sacrifice as long as it does not involve life; when the really vital is demanded, they are not to be found.  

They are prominent at all triumphant entries, and they willingly spend a little money on colorful decorations—on banners and palm branches; but when “Hurrahs” and “Hosannas” change into ominous murmurs and threats, and Calvary comes into sight, they steal away into safe seclusion. 

But here is an Apostle who joyfully anticipates this supreme and critical demand. He is almost impatient at his own dribblings of blood-energy in the service of the kingdom!  

He is eager if need be to pour it out! 


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