
Your First Priority Sets the Tone for the Day

“Rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

In Mark 1 the schedule of a day in the life of the Lord Jesus is described. Since it was Sabbath, He went to the synagogue in the morning. There He taught with a power that astonished the people. Suddenly an unclean spirit, which had entered into a man, revealed itself. Jesus commanded him to be silent and immediately cast him out.

From the synagogue He went straight to the house of Simon Peter, whose mother-in-law was confined to bed with a high fever. The Lord took time for her. He took her by the hand, lifted her up and delivered her from her illness.

When evening came, after sunset, the whole city was suddenly at the door. Until late at the night He helped everyone who came to Him with their need (see Mark 1:32- 34). What a burden it must have been for Him to bear the weaknesses and sicknesses of the many people that evening (see Mt. 8:16-17)! Like no other, He, the only sinless Man, could share the pain and distress of mankind.

Many would have allowed themselves a ‘well-earned’ night’s sleep after such a demanding evening. But the devoted Servant of God still got up before dawn the next morning to be alone with His God: He “went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed” (Mark 1:35).

Exhaustion or tiredness could not deter Him from beginning the day in fellowship with His Father. There in silence He received guidance and was prepared for the tasks of the day.

What is the priority and importance of morning prayer in your life? What things can you do without in the evening in order to get to bed earlier and begin in the quiet of the next morning, in peace with God?


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