How to see false accusations?
Through evil report and through good report Paul had to pass, and as far as any accusation against me is known to me as not true... I do not think one need to be unhappy about it. ... But there is a reward for our bearing false
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- Hope of heaven
- Auf Wunder spezialisiert
- No interference
- Defining the future in terms of your God
- Erwarte große Dinge
- The future of the godly
- Worauf warten wir?
- Das Beste kommt noch!
- Wie die Urgemeinde lebte
- Immortility
- Kurz vor dem Himmel
- Being immortal
- Why can we be bold?
- Press forward!
- Die richtige Blickrichtung
- Vertrauen oder Furcht?
- More longing for heaven
- How to see false accusations?
„Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, wie gut!“ (Spr 15,23)