Trusting in a living Saviour
You have trusted Him as your dying Saviour; now trust Him as your living
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Weitere Zitate zu: Jesus Christus
- Faith is believing what Christ is
- Awareness of who God is
- An important test
- Trusting in a living Saviour
- Worauf es wirklich ankommt
- Das Geheimnis wahren Glücks und Fortschritts
- A serious thought
- A lonely life
- If Christ lives in me ...
- Kritisieren?
- Following Christ
- Bringing glory to God
- Denying and enjoying
- When service gets hard
- You will never know ...
- Das christliche Leben
- Die Jüngerschaftsbeziehung
- A bundle of blessings
„Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, wie gut!“ (Spr 15,23)