What it means to preach
He had been preaching and teaching there. Those verbal activities may be thought minimal in terms of physical demands. But that’s not so. Modern studies have determined that a good speaker uses as much energy in one hour as a ditch
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Weitere Zitate zu: Gottes Wort
- Prioritäten
- Eine sichere Grundlage
- Konzentration auf eine Wahrheit
- Auf eine Sache konzentrieren
- What it means to preach
- The words of Christ
- The most important knowledge
- Complete satisfaction
- Nicht auf einen Schlag!
- Wenn es um die Wahrheit geht
- The purpose of ministry
- The task of a prophet
- Doctrine that comes from God
- What affects the soul
- A great danger
- A poor sermon
- Eine tiefere Beziehung zu Christus
- Let no day slip over ...
„Ein Wort zu seiner Zeit, wie gut!“ (Spr 15,23)