
Dependence, also in the 'what' and the 'how'

“But not what I will, but what you will … but not as I will, but as you will.” (Mark 14:36, Matthew 26:39)

It is very interesting to see exactly what the Lord Jesus prayed for, and with what inner attitude He did it. On one occasion He said, "what you want" and another time, "as you want". He submitted Himself to the will of God not only in terms of the "what" but also in terms of the "how". He was, for example, not only willing to die, but also to be crucified with all the cruelty that entailed.

We should be dependent on God both in terms of the "what" and in terms of the "how”. This means that we not only ask what He wants from us, but also how we should do it. The world says, The end justifies the means. But the Word of God says, "But if any man contends in the games, he is not crowned, unless he contend lawfully" (2 Tim 2:5).

We can also apply the "how" to the motivation and attitude with which we do something for God. If love for Christ is not the motive for my actions, then even the greatest sacrifice has no value in the eyes of God (see 1 Cor 13:3)! How much reward is lost in view of the judgment seat of Christ, because we do something with a wrong motive! It is basically very good to give financially, to pray and also to fast - but the Lord makes clear to His disciples how important it is to do these things with the right motives (see Matt 6:1-18).

Perhaps the Lord has already made clear to you the sphere of your service for Him. Do you then also ask Him to show you anew how you are to do this service ̶ i.e. in what way, with what means and at what time? How can you protect yourself from undertaking a task out of a wrong motive?


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