
Expecting great things from God

“Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Ps 81:10)

There are passages in the Bible where God challenges our faith. Where He encourages us to expect much from Him and to trust Him for great things.

In Psalm 81:10, God says to His people: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt; open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."

The Israelites had experienced the miracle of the LORD parting the Red Sea to save them from their enemies. And in connection with this, He calls on them to expect great things from Him in the future too. To open their mouths wide. To trust Him with much. To ask for great blessing.

In other words: Take a look at the tremendous things I have already done for you. You can also have great expectations of me in the future.

Take time and think about all that God has already done in your life. How He has helped you, how He has carried you through, how He has answered prayer. This will give you courage for the future - because He doesn't change!


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