
Glorifying God

"Father, glorify your name!" (John 12:27)

This is what Jesus Christ prayed when the terrible horror of the cross stood before Him in John 12. This shows us His unconditional devotion and complete consecration to God!

He wanted to glorify His Father - no matter what the cost! He wanted everyone to see that God is light and love. How deeply He hates sin, but also how infinitely He loves the sinner.

In 6,000 years of human history, God has never been so glorified as through the suffering and death of Jesus on the cross of calvary!

And therein also lies an important lesson for us: for just as light shines brightest in darkness, so God is often glorified most when we trust Him in suffering and persevere in it. When we place ourselves under His will in difficult times and say "Yes, Father" in our hearts without rebellion!

When something of this attitude of Jesus becomes visible in your life, then God is honored and glorified. Make this the aim of your life!


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