
Quiet Influence – Quite an Influence!

"One of the two which heard JOHN speak… was ANDREW, Simon Peter's brother. He first findeth his own brother SIMON… " (John 1:40-41)

Martin Madan was a close friend of John and Charles Wesley. He was quietly used of the Lord to edit many of Charles Wesley's hymns that have become a blessing to so many. The 'alleluias' in some hymns were inserted by him. 

Madan was also the cousin of the poet William Cowper. Cowper's early life was a difficult one with attempts at suicide and hospitalization for mental illness. However, through the quiet influence of Madan, Cowper became a Christian and recovered mental stability. 

Cowper became friends with John Newton. They both loved poetry, walking and writing hymns. Newton wrote 'Amazing Grace' and Cowper wrote 'God moves in a mysterious way'. Both hymns have quietly touched the lives of so many.

Quiet Influence can be Quite an Influence!

Be greatly encouraged!


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