
The power of sharing Christ with others

"For I am not ashamed of the glad tidings; for it is God's power to salvation, to every one that believes." (Rom 1:16)

Edward Kimball was a Sunday school teacher in the US who explained the gospel to a boy called D.L. Moody in a shoe store. 

Through this conversation, the boy believed in Christ and later became one of the greatest evangelists of the 19th century.

Among the thousands who were converted through Moody's preaching was a man named Wilbur Chapman. He in turn also preached the gospel to thousands of people.

Through his gospel ministry, Billy Sunday believed, who also held many crusades, through which many people were saved.

One of them was Mordecai Ham. And when this man preached the gospel in Charlotte, North Carolina, a high school boy was converted under special circumstances. 

His name was Billy Graham. And this man in turn preached the gospel to millions of people in many countries.

It all started with a personal conversation in a shoe store - and how many blessings have come from it!


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