Something of His greatnessOften when musing on the greatness of the One, who has expressed His love for us in death ...
The Cross of ChristVery much is needed today on the moral bearing of the cross, death and resurrection in practice ...
Conflict and FaithDear child of God, you may be suffering, but you cannot fail if you will only dare to believe, stand firm, and refuse to be overcome...
Where are the young men?In view of the fact that the Lord’s return is imminent, and that Christians know it, it does seem strange that there should be no young men ready to come to the Congo to serve the Lord ...
Who glories in tribulation?Who glories in tribulation? Most of us would run miles to escape it; yet if we know the grace in which we stand ...
A broken vesselThe more circumstances were calculated to press upon him, the more Christ was expressed by him ...
The popes great role modelST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (1181-1226) was the founder of the Franciscan Order. Born to the family of a wealthy nobleman, Francis allegedly heard a voice when he was in his 20s telling him to repair a ruined church ...
Turning the Storm-cloud into a Chariot“Lord, I accept this talent of blindness from Thee. Help me to use it for Thy glory that at Thy coming Thou mayest receive Thine own with usury.” Then God enabled him to invent the Moon Alphabet for the blind ...
One Christian Martyred Every 5 MinutesMore Christians have been martyred for their faith in the 20th and 21st centuries than in the previous 19 centuries combined ...
The Abandonment on the Cross and Communion with the FatherFrom time to time questions arise concerning the abandonment of Christ on the cross and how this bears upon the Son’s communion with the Father ...