The Secret of Effective ServiceEvery true servant is sent forth from the immediate presence of the Father, with all its holiness and all its grace. He is called to be holy and gracious, the reflection of the grace and holiness of the divine character...
To be Given Up to the WorkCalled to be an evangelist, taking up a means of providing by other occupation. It is putting this world and human care before God`s calling; and their spiritual work is spoiled in its very root ...
Important! Ministry & WorshipWhich connection is there between worship and ministry? What is more important?
Prophesying in a Scene of RejectionProphesying in a Scene of Rejection. A message from the prophet Amos preached in Nevis, West Indies, May 09 ...
Grace & DiscipleshipThe power for discipleship is found only in God but it reaches us in a simple way. There is an impulsive (explosive, motivating, pushing) power in affection ...
HIS Interests or Our Own?Our spirits need to be stirred up constantly, that we too may come and “work in the house of the Lord," then there will be a “revival” indeed ...
Controlling the Lord‘s Servant?An important question for those who want to serve the Lord: Can the Assembly control the Lord's servants? ...
The Present bearing of ScriptureThe last words of our Lord before He was taken up into heaven were, “Ye shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you ...
Devoted ServiceHow can we bring glory to God in our ministry? ...
Thoughts on ServiceThe conversion of sinners, the prosperity of saints—these are precious things, but not the object of the soul: that should be to please God ...