Blessed With Every Kind of SecurityAs God’s child, live today with the surety, hope,and courage that come from knowing that your standing before God is secure...
A GREAT CALMHe was beside the ship in which His disciples toiled and battled with the storm, unknown and unlooked for, no prayer from them brought Him to them, it was His own affection ...
Light DivineGod has graciously made the path of His will known for all His saints...
God cares for you!God knows you better than you know yourself. He knows your whole path through life – every single detail...
The right way or reasoningWe all have to deal with problems and difficulties that God allows in our lives time and again. The question is how we deal with them...
Dependent by Divine Design!In the Body of Christ, the Divine Design of Dependency is for our Humility and Helpfulness...
Triumph in the StormPaul is just as calm in the midst of the storm as he was before governors and kings. The hurricane does not prevent him from hearing the voice of God...
“Glorify God in Your Body”A day is approaching when the bodies of the redeemed will be altogether for the praise of God’s glory...
Fear Ye NotAfter their father’s death Joseph’s brethren lost their peace, and fear seized upon them. They judged Joseph according to the thoughts of their own hearts...
ChasteningDespise it not! Faint not because of it! The Lord loves those that are His...