All's WellGloomy thoughts filled my mind as the good ship ploughed the grey waters of the Northern Atlantic: thoughts as to the state of things in the professing Church of God ...
God's Banqueting HouseOne moment at that banquet table — one crumb of the heavenly manna — one draught from the river of life — and all the bitter experiences of the valley of tears will be obliterated and forgotten...
The Judgement of GodWHO is to be your Judge? Oh, it is no stranger! It is Him who died for you!...
The Presence of GodEven in this world, where the Christian can only dimly apprehended God — how sweet is the sense of His presence, and friendship, and love...
God's Closing CallHow does it stand with you? Is the question of your soul's salvation finally and forever settled? Are you at peace with God?...
The Warnings of God"He is faithful who promised." Do we bear sufficiently in mind another truth of equal fidelity — He is faithful who threatens?...
Two little linesOnly one life, t'will soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last ...
Christ, the RESURRECTIONLet us then rejoice in this, that our names "are written in the Lamb's Book of Life." And being entered in that imperishable volume, they shall be mentioned with honor...
How Jennie Carey Saved the TrainOh! sinner, beware. Listen to the message. Behold the warning signal. Be prudent now...
Perfect PeaceO the peace for ever flowing
From God's thoughts of His own Son...