Think global, act local! Two aspects of the ChurchThink global, act local. Yes, it is a bit of a catch phrase from a different environment. But I found it to be useful when you think about it deeper...
One Thing I DesireYour confidence should be in the Lord. If there is anything else in which your confidence is placed, failure will follow...
It was borrowedThe prophets were engaged in building themselves a dwelling by the river Jordan. One of them was felling a beam when the head of the axe he was using fell into the water...
Since when did the Church become a Building?!In this video, we're looking at the history of the Church, as far back as we can go, in order to discover the when, the where, and the how of the first church buildings known to archeology...
Iron Sharpens IronBe careful in your choice of friends! Jesus chose His closest friends wisely. He did not look for perfect friends, but friends whose hearts were set to follow God...
Putting Your Brother FirstAs a Christian you are obliged to view your actions in light of how they will affect other Christians...
Serving one another by loveSomeone has said, “Self thinks itself great and is served. Love serves and is great.”...
ContentmentOur world promotes dissatisfaction with our lives. We are constantly bombarded with newer and better things that will make our lives more complete...
A forgiving spiritThere is a definite order to be followed in connection with Scriptural forgiveness. If we would follow this order we would save ourselves a lot of headaches and heartaches...
Success without GodIf success is what is important to you, you may be tempted to choose accomplishments over your relationship with God...