DOES HE CARE?The good news of the gospel is that God’s grace is available on our worst days.
Christ, the BREAD OF LIFEThe bread from the bakery must be purchased — but Jesus is freely given; that bread will perish with the using — but "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever."...
Christ, the WAYThe moment we commence our undertaking, at the very first step, we cast our eyes downward and think we hear him say, "I am the WAY."...
God, the Portion of His People (4)Remember, Christians, that the infinite grandeur and majesty of God, as well as His astonishing condescension, will answer many of your inquiries, and remove some of your doubts...
A Crown of LifeWhat! is the beggar to be "raised from the ash-heap, set among Princes, and made to inherit a throne of glory?" Is dust and ashes, a puny rebel, a guilty traitor — to be pitied, pardoned, loved, exalted from the depths of despair, raised to the heights of Heaven...
Am Kohlenfeuer dieser Welt (2)Petrus hatte vergessen, dass er ein Apostel war, und er hatte auch seines Herrn Gottheit vergessen. Er hatte den geraden Weg der Nachfolge verlassen und es selbst noch nicht einmal bemerkt...
The Transformative Power of GraceThe transformative power of grace will be one of the divine wonders that we will celebrate forever when eternity is our final home. The Bible is not a collection of stories of human heroes...
Dying GraceArticle series: Grace
My soul! are you at times afraid of this, your last enemy? Fear not!...
Persevering GraceArticle series: Grace
Reader! How comforting to you amid the ebbings and flowings of your changing history — to know that the change is all with you, and not with your God!...
Reviving GraceArticle series: Grace
How and where is reviving grace to be found? He gives you, in this precious promise, the key. It is on your bended knees...