The Lord is my MasterAs our Master, we belong to the school of Christ. In other words, we are His disciples or learners...
Following the example of JesusWhat does it mean to follow the example of Christ? How did He live and what can we learn from it? ...
Making Disciples - Joshua and CalebWhat can we learn about discipleship through the life of Joshua and Caleb? ...
Discipleship - Closing RemarksArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
A final challenge to make disciples and to live faithful discipleship
Disciples making DisciplesArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
Discipleship without reproduction isn’t really discipleship. Disciple-makers put their efforts into someone else so the faith can spread further and faster ...
Daily discipline in a disciple's lifeArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
Discipline is a word most of us don’t like! We automatically think negatively about it; but discipline in our lives is not negative, it’s necessary ...
Features of a disciple of ChristArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
As a verb, the word disciple occurs four times in the New Testament. One of those uses is an imperative command ...
A Disciple of Christ and the Requirements to be oneArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
A disciple is defined as a learner, a pupil, one who comes to be taught. So where do we start? First, we must determine ...
The Mandate of Discipleship - IntroductionArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
While every disciple is a believer, not every believer is necessarily living like a disciple. The question that needs to be answered is, “What is a disciple of Jesus Christ and what does one look like?” Many may think ...
Making a DifferenceHave you made the connection between the time and place in which you live and God’s call upon you? He placed you precisely where you are for a purpose...