God Speaks in Many Times and WaysOur generation is preoccupied with methods. Trusting in methods rather than in a Person seriously limits the way we experience God...
Trust in the LordNever begin anything without going to God about it in prayer! Never take any step without first of all settling the matter between yourselves and God...
A new path of blessingArticle series: God has a way for you
God has a good way for you. A path of blessing. A path where you have God by your side...
God teaches us His wayArticle series: God has a way for you
Sometimes it’s really helpful to look back in life. We should remember the guidance and faithfulness of God that we’ve already experienced along the way...
A path on which we overcome obstaclesArticle series: God has a way for you
God's way sometimes leads through the middle of seemingly insurmountable obstacles...
A safe wayArticle series: God has a way for you
If you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, then you can know that God has a good way for you. In the midst of the chaos of this world...
God's Perfect WayJoseph is put into the pit and into the prison. Moses flees to Midian. The three Hebrew children are cast into the furnace...
The Paths of GodThe Shepherd portions off our pasture-ground. He guides the footsteps of the flock. He will lead them by no rougher way — than He sees needful...
Christ, the GUIDEJesus is our unerring GUIDE, He leads us in the way of righteousness in the midst of the paths of judgment...
Christ, the TEACHERReader, are you taught of God? Has He taught you to hate sin — and flee from it, to know Christ, and love Him,
to discover the beauty of holiness, and pant to possess it?...