The Chocolate Soldier (7)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
JOHN THE BAPTIST—a man taught and made and sent of God—good old John! Who doesn't love and admire him?...
The Chocolate Soldier (6)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
DANIEL was another hero. Of course he was! Was he not the man greatly beloved of God who sent an angel to tell him so?...
The Lord's Shepherd CareArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
The twenty-third Psalm presents to us a lovely picture of the shepherd character and work of the Lord Jesus...
The Despised and Rejected OneArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
It was foretold by the prophet Isaiah that when men saw Him in lowly form and grace, they would find nothing in Him that would cause them to “desire” Him, but that He would be “despised and rejected”...
The Cost to OthersObedience to your Lord’s commands will affect others. Don’t refuse to obey what you know God is asking because you fear the cost to your family will be too great...
God’s Ways Are Not Our WaysRarely does God do something exactly as we think He will. Our problem is that we try to second-guess God...
Who are you, Lord?"Who are you, Lord?" This is a super important question for every Christian which we should ask ourselves over and over again in prayer until the end of our lives...
The Lord my exampleWould you resemble Jesus? Then study Him closely, study Him constantly. Study not faint, imperfect copies, but study the Divine-human Original – study Jesus only...
“Follow Me”Are you willing to follow Jesus anywhere, at any time, under any condition? That is the only way you can follow Him...
“What are arrows for but to shoot?”Jim Elliot wrote the following words to his parents after telling them he was going to the mission field...