Material sacfrifices – Wellpleasing to GodWhen we understand the true spiritual nature of Christian giving and the vast range of its influence, we are delivered from giving grudgingly or of necessity...
The Cost to OthersObedience to your Lord’s commands will affect others. Don’t refuse to obey what you know God is asking because you fear the cost to your family will be too great...
Obedience Step by StepOur difficulty is not that we don’t know God’s will. Our discomfort comes from the fact that we do know His will, but we do not want to do it!...
Passing time, or redeeming the time? - The descendants of CainWhere are your "barren places" where you regularly retreat to calm down and talk to God undisturbed? Have you ever thought about the influence your smartphone has on you?...
Conformed or transformed?What does it mean for you to offer your life to God as a "living sacrifice"? How does devotion become concretely visible in your life in specific ways?...
What love doesWe must not think of love as an uncontrollable, unpredictable emotion. We are commanded to love, and this would be quite impossible if love were some elusive, sporadic sensation...
“What are arrows for but to shoot?”Jim Elliot wrote the following words to his parents after telling them he was going to the mission field...
Commit Yourself to GodWe can be committed to a set of Christian values or to a lifestyle of discipleship without being committed to God himself. But Paul said to offer yourselves to God...
A Prayer on a Basement FloorMost of my understanding of scriptural truths has come gradually - but suddenly one day, I understood God’s grace in an entirely new way...
Holy ZealDo you know anything of this zeal, which many waters could not quench? See that, like your Lord’s, it be steady, sober, consistent, undeviating...