There is no God else beside MeThrice happy are those favoured believers, who today, while Israel rejects Christ, know the “salvation that is in Christ Jesus”...
How Christ feels with you!There is one man who understands you 100 percent. A man who thinks about you and has genuine compassion for you...
The comforting assuranceWhere can a child be safer or better — than in a father's hand? Where can the believer be better — than in the hands of his God?...
The Unexpected Answers of GodWe are often unprepared for the answers we receive from God. His answers frequently do not look at first like answers. They look like problems...
A wise and unfathomable pathArticle series: God has a way for you
God's way is a wise way. He knows exactly what each of us is like. He knows what fears and worries we have...
Fear Ye NotAfter their father’s death Joseph’s brethren lost their peace, and fear seized upon them. They judged Joseph according to the thoughts of their own hearts...
Your Suffering Is Working for You — Suffering with PurposeNot only is all your affliction momentary, not only is all your affliction light in comparison to eternity and the glory there, but all of it is totally meaningful...
God carries you through!God carries you through. No matter what happens in your life, you should always know that God will carry you until you have reached the goal...
Grace that frees from regretQuit being paralyzed by your past. Grace offers you life in the present and a guarantee of a future...
The varied experiences of lifeDo not be surprised or discouraged if a time of fiery trial should follow a season of unusual blessing..