Be still!I do not believe we have even begun to understand the wonderful power there is in being still. We are in such a hurry ...
Gaining Christ's smileEven to the vilest and deadliest of charges, Jesus responded with deep, unbroken silence. His silence was so profound, it caused His accusers and spectators to wonder in awe ...
The silence of JesusAre you reading these verses as a child of God who is experiencing a crushing sorrow, a bitter disappointment, or a heartbreaking blow from a totally unexpected place ...
Worthy of the wildernessThis seemed a strange way for God to prove His favor. “At once”— after what? ...
When God wants to make a personSome of life’s storms— a great sorrow, a bitter disappointment, a crushing defeat— suddenly come upon us ...
God waits for usThe Bible has a great deal to say about waiting for God, and the teaching cannot be too strongly emphasized ...
Tribulation is the door to triumph!The moment we receive anything from the Lord worth fighting for, the Devil comes seeking to destroy us ...
Unwavering persistence and faith in GodPrayer that uses previously unanswered prayers as an excuse for laziness has already ceased to be a prayer of faith ...
When God hedges in His ownGod hedges in His own in order to protect them. Yet often they only see the wrong side of the hedge and therefore misunderstand His actions ...
Grace for every trialGod does not open paths for us before we come to them, or provide help before help is needed. He does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them ...