An Exhortation to do Gospel Outreach"Go," says He, "go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Shall we say to Him, "No, it is not convenient"? Shall we tell Him that we are busy and cannot go?...
Street EvangelismBr. Danny Sands shares practical lessons learned and advice from his experience handing out thousands of gospel tracts in the United States and Canada ...
How do you look at life?This is a question which I should like to ask my fellow-Christians everywhere. I am stirred to do so by reading a brief article ...
Witnessing to those who are in powerIt takes some courage to express before the president and members of Parlament that you don't trust in governments but only in Christ your rock. This man had the courage to do it ...
Let your light shineThe keeper of a lighthouse at Calais was boasting of the brightness of his lantern, which could be seen ten leagues IMS at sea ...
Following the stranger of GalileeJohn Wesley, classical scholar gifted with a virile mind, gave himself fully to God and consecrated all his powers to His Service ...
Fishers of MenI believe that one reason why the church of God at this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence over the church ...
A Voice from a PrisonEvery now and again we come across something that makes us thoroughly ashamed of our lukewarmness and lack of zeal for the Lord ...
OpportunityThere is no over-crowding of the Lord’s labour market. At home and abroad, at your very doors, or far away ...
The Supreme AuthorityIt so happens that for some years we have been working in and the authority we had to recognize was that of a well known State [the Belgian Congo]. We went as unknown individuals, known only to the Lord of Glory ...