The Vision and Fruition of GodGlorious consummation! All the other glories of Heaven are but dim emanations from this all excelling glory...
A Crown of LifeWhat! is the beggar to be "raised from the ash-heap, set among Princes, and made to inherit a throne of glory?" Is dust and ashes, a puny rebel, a guilty traitor — to be pitied, pardoned, loved, exalted from the depths of despair, raised to the heights of Heaven...
A Glorious ReunionIf the meeting of a long absent friend or brother on earth is a joyous event — then what, my soul, must be the joy of your union with this Brother of brothers, this Friend of friends!...
Bliss in DyingO my soul! Is this blessedness yours in prospect? Are you ready, if called this night to lie down on your death-pillow, sweetly to fall asleep in Jesus?...
An End of WeepingReader! if you are one of these careworn ones, take heart — the days of your mourning are numbered!...
A Speedy Coming"The Lord is at hand!" Prepare, my soul, to meet Him!...
Evening LightHow inspiring is the thought of coming glory! How would we rise above our sins, and sorrows, and sufferings...
Dying GraceArticle series: Grace
My soul! are you at times afraid of this, your last enemy? Fear not!...
The Glory of Christ in the Eternal State (2)Article series: Our Glorious Lord
This is the Eternal Glory of Christ and His redeemed, a condition of perfect bliss into which no sin or sorrow, no failure or anything short of perfection will ever come...
The Glory of Christ in the Eternal State (1)Article series: Our Glorious Lord
The reign of Christ for a thousand years over a purged and subjected earth, from which the devil has been banished and shut up in the abyss, will not be a perfect condition of things...