Prayer means surrenderPrayer is abandoning a life of demand and complaint, recognizing undeserved blessing, and giving myself to a life of thankfulness...
Characteristics of FaithDoes the wonderful future, promised to you by God, influence your daily life? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to gather treasures in heaven?...
The Chocolate Soldier (13)Do let us make a real start now—at once. For years, like Mr. Winkle, we've declared we were just about to begin, and then never began at all...
The Chocolate Soldier (12)We Christians too often substitude prayer for playing the game. Prayer is good: but when used as a substitute for obedience...
The Chocolate Soldier (9)If instead of obeying, we squat among the sheep, leaving our few hard-pressed brethren to tackle the wolves by themselves, verily we are but Chocolate Christians...
The Chocolate Soldier (7)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
JOHN THE BAPTIST—a man taught and made and sent of God—good old John! Who doesn't love and admire him?...
The Chocolate Soldier (4)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
They are Chocolate Soldiers who merely go to see battles, and coolly urge others to fight them. They had better save their journey money and use it to send out real fighters instead...
The Chocolate Soldier (3)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
MOSES—Brought up as the Emperor's grandson with more than a good chance of coming to the throne, one thing only between him and it—Truth—what a choice!...
Sow GenerouslyYou are called to be intentional about your Christianity. You must be determined to experience the fullness of God in every area of your Christian life...
Material sacfrifices – Wellpleasing to GodWhen we understand the true spiritual nature of Christian giving and the vast range of its influence, we are delivered from giving grudgingly or of necessity...