Christ, the WAYThe moment we commence our undertaking, at the very first step, we cast our eyes downward and think we hear him say, "I am the WAY."...
God works at both ends of the lineHow this illustrates once more a principle to which we have frequently called the attention of the reader, namely, that when God works, He always works at both ends of the line...
Trust in the Lord ... Acknowledge HimOur Father fully intends for us to live satisfied and fulfilled lives. Here He relates for us the simple principles that produce it...
The Lord's Shepherd CareArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
The twenty-third Psalm presents to us a lovely picture of the shepherd character and work of the Lord Jesus...
All for God’s gloryOne of the great tests of Christian behavior is whether there is any glory for God in it. Too often we test our conduct by the question, “Is there any harm in it?” But that is not the question...
Desiring to do the will of GodIt is a wonderful promise that if a person sincerely desires to know, God will show him...
The WayIf you are walking daily with the Lord, you will not have to find God’s will—you will already be in it...
Stand Your Watch!As a Christian, God places you as a watchman for yourself, your friends, your family, and your church family. It is essential that you be attentive to what God is saying...
God’s Ways Are Not Our WaysRarely does God do something exactly as we think He will. Our problem is that we try to second-guess God...
The example of Abraham – Sofa Christian? Or Overcomer?That the world is a danger for believers, which can have a lasting negative influence on our lives, is made particularly clear by the example of Abraham...