The Balances of GodWe are apt to measure things by their size and not by their weight. We too often prefer the things which make the most show....
Christ our supreme exampleHe suffered an atoning death upon the cross, without which there could be no example. The question of sin must be settled, a righteous relationship with God must be established first. Then the example comes in...
Do you deny yourself?The Lord Jesus went through sufferings to glory. This is also the way for every one of His disciples. Therefore Christ told His disciples what they had to do if they wanted to follow Him ...
Following the stranger of GalileeJohn Wesley, classical scholar gifted with a virile mind, gave himself fully to God and consecrated all his powers to His Service ...
Something of His greatnessOften when musing on the greatness of the One, who has expressed His love for us in death ...
Great Price - (For Sisters only!)Of no service that men can render is such a thing said, of no labor or toil have we such an eulogium; it is fragrant to God, as was Mary`s ointment, ...
For mother's day - The hardest job in the world ....This gives you a cool insight in view of the hardest job in the world ... Enjoy!
The Wonderful Effect of SeparationIt was no uncommon thing at this time to find valuable jewellery in the collection boxes, which was soon turned into money, and given to the deacons for the poor ...
Broken and spilled outBroken and spilled out ; Just for love of you, Jesus ; My most precious treasure ; Lavished on thee ...
Grace & DiscipleshipThe power for discipleship is found only in God but it reaches us in a simple way. There is an impulsive (explosive, motivating, pushing) power in affection ...