Surviving the summerHow can we exercise ourselves unto godliness? Which habbits should we develop? How determined do we have to be? ...
A Due ReapingBeliever! all the glory of your salvation belongs to Jesus — none to yourself! Every jewel in your eternal crown is His...
Safe WalkingThe paths of the Lord! My soul! never follow your own paths. If you do, you will be in danger often of following sight rather than faith...
The law of serviceThere are some people with a little measure of "position" who seem to accept all favors shown to them, and all services rendered to them by others, as due to them because of their exalted rank...
An Exhortation to do Gospel Outreach"Go," says He, "go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Shall we say to Him, "No, it is not convenient"? Shall we tell Him that we are busy and cannot go?...
A Disciple of Christ and the Requirements to be oneArticle series: Discipleship - Missions in Focus 2019
A disciple is defined as a learner, a pupil, one who comes to be taught. So where do we start? First, we must determine ...
Faith in GodWe cannot take any true step without faith. Faith is reckoning on God where there is nothing visible...
The Divine Side of ThingsIsaiah had never had that kind of vision before. Most certainly he had had spiritual experiences, but never one in which the Lord was so exalted in overwhelming glory ...
UnselfishnessJesus stands out for our imitation, as a grand solitary exception in the midst of a world of selfishness. His entire life was one abnegation of self...
Persecuted because of faithfulnessJesus was despised because of the UNWORLDLINESS OF HIS LIFE. His whole life was one ceaseless testimony against the ungodliness of this ungodly world...