No tears are ever in vainA servant of God recalls an experience in connection with true prayer and humilitation...
An Impressive WordThe conflict is a far more serious affair than we generally think it to be. It is not a matter of individual conflict with Satan only, but that the powers of darkness are marshalled to oppose the whole Church of God on earth...
The gate of the dayThe morning is the gate of the day, and should be well guarded with prayer. It is one end of the thread on which the day's actions are strung, and should be well knotted with devotion...
How we take eventsThis is the prayer we need to pray for ourselves and for one another, "Lord, open our eyes that we may see"; for the world all around us, as well as around the prophet, is full of God's horses and chariots...
Truth Sets You FreeGod's truth never restricts you; it always sets you free! Ask Him to implement that truth into your life today...
Sanctified and Then SentGod will always sanctify you before He sends you. The Father set aside the twelve disciples and made them holy by the Truth, His Son...
New LifeYou do not become a Christian by asking Jesus into your heart. You become a Christian when you are born again...
A strange phenomenon when there is a revivalIt is a strange phenomenon that when there is a revival, even in the true sense, Christians are more occupied with the winning of souls than with standing for Christ themselves...
ContentmentWhatever situation tempts us to be discontent, and however severe it may be, we need to recognize that discontentment is sin...
God knows our frameGod does not treat us as if we were strong, holy, and unfallen angels! He does not forget that we are weak, that it is hard for us to live right, that we are easily tempted and overcome...