Deliverance from temptationTemptation happens to the purest; but it fascinates and imperils only as it finds a welcome in the soul itself ...
The Cross of ChristVery much is needed today on the moral bearing of the cross, death and resurrection in practice ...
The Abandonment on the Cross and Communion with the FatherFrom time to time questions arise concerning the abandonment of Christ on the cross and how this bears upon the Son’s communion with the Father ...
Pushed into God's BestA sentence from one of my mother’s letters helped many a young worker beset as all are, if indeed they are taking up their Cross daily and following their Lord ...
Are You Advancing In The World?What was the goal of Christ`s earthly career? Was it an elevated, influential position in this world? By no means. What then? ...
When I Survey the Woundrous CrossWhen I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride ...
Grace & DiscipleshipThe power for discipleship is found only in God but it reaches us in a simple way. There is an impulsive (explosive, motivating, pushing) power in affection ...