CompassionWhat a pattern to his people—the tender compassion of Jesus! Jesus found the world he came to save a moral Bethesda ...
Do you deny yourself?The Lord Jesus went through sufferings to glory. This is also the way for every one of His disciples. Therefore Christ told His disciples what they had to do if they wanted to follow Him ...
Self-Denial“If only we exercise a little self denial every day, we shall get on to heaven very comfortably.” What a volume of wholesome practical truth in this brief utterance! ...
He goes beforeThis is the blessed life— not anxious to see far down the road nor overly concerned about the next step ...
Jesus Christ - God and Man (2)Article series: Jesus Christ - God and Man
That He was and is truly Man, One who has been tried in all points as we are (sin apart), enables Him to sympathize with us as we tread our pilgrim way, ...
Following the stranger of GalileeJohn Wesley, classical scholar gifted with a virile mind, gave himself fully to God and consecrated all his powers to His Service ...
Do you have the light?The sun shines for all, so the light in the face of Jesus is for all, but only those who follow, and so “walk in the light” are blest by it...
Pushed into God's BestA sentence from one of my mother’s letters helped many a young worker beset as all are, if indeed they are taking up their Cross daily and following their Lord ...
No place for boysWhat can a boy do, and where can a boy stay. If he is always told to get out of the way? ...
How to follow Christ step by stepSome practical hints as to how we can follow the Lord Jesus step by step - illustrated in Numbers 9 ...