Gentleness in rebukeHow beautifully did Jesus unite intense sensibility to sin — along with tenderest compassion for the sinner...
MeeknessIn great minds, there is often a beautiful blending of majesty and humility, magnanimity and lowliness. The mightiest and holiest of all Beings that ever trod our world — was the meekest of all...
Consider Jesus – in Lowliness of BirthHow truly did the Son of God identify Himself with the humanity and the curse He came to ransom and remove...
Devotedness to GodEach has some appointed work to perform, some little niche in the spiritual temple to occupy. Yours may be no splendid services, no flaming or brilliant actions to blaze and dazzle in the eye of man...
Christian contentmentChristian contentment is expressed in the words of the apostle, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content" ...
Self-Denial“If only we exercise a little self denial every day, we shall get on to heaven very comfortably.” What a volume of wholesome practical truth in this brief utterance! ...
A Parable and a FactYour circumstances have your greatest blessing in view, and God who considers and makes all things work together for your good, knows just where you live and how ...
Jesus Christ - God and Man (2)Article series: Jesus Christ - God and Man
That He was and is truly Man, One who has been tried in all points as we are (sin apart), enables Him to sympathize with us as we tread our pilgrim way, ...
Something of His greatnessOften when musing on the greatness of the One, who has expressed His love for us in death ...
How to speak of Christ's servantsIt must have a very evil influence among the saints when a servant acts so as to set himself up by putting others down, while all the time he is preaching in the highest strain of Christ-exaltation...