Different rewards in heavenThe Judgment Seat of Christ will be a place of review and reward where some will be rewarded more than others...
MeditationThe heavenly meditator has the happiest life in the world, and the most enriching commerce with the celestial Indies, from whence he returns laden with an unseen store of immortal joy...
Three Men in prayerDo you who read these words look at those long-continued vigils, those days of fasting and prayer, those nights of wakeful watching and intercessions, and do you say, “What a price to pay!"...
As He isWhen we see our Lord we do not want to see a stranger, nor shall we; we want to see One whom we know well, who has won our heart's affection, and so we shall...
A Joyful ResurrectionOh! blessed Jubilee-day of creation, when Christ's "dead men shall arise!"...
After Grace - GloryOh! happy day: when this toilsome warfare will all be ended - Jordan crossed - Canaan entered - the multitude of enemies of the wilderness no longer dreaded...
Street EvangelismBr. Danny Sands shares practical lessons learned and advice from his experience handing out thousands of gospel tracts in the United States and Canada ...
Calmness in DeathOh, to be ever living in a state of holy preparation, the mental eye gazing on the vista-view of an opening heaven, feeling that every moment is bringing us nearer and nearer that happy Home!...
How do you look at life?This is a question which I should like to ask my fellow-Christians everywhere. I am stirred to do so by reading a brief article ...
Let your light shineThe keeper of a lighthouse at Calais was boasting of the brightness of his lantern, which could be seen ten leagues IMS at sea ...