The gate of the dayThe morning is the gate of the day, and should be well guarded with prayer. It is one end of the thread on which the day's actions are strung, and should be well knotted with devotion...
Praying for lost sinnersHow important it is that we pray for those who are not yet saved ...
A Great While Before DayIt is a marvellous thing to know that before I awoke in the morning He had risen up and was thinking of me, and was waiting and prepared to hear and answer my waking cry...
How God Works (For sisters only)One day I knelt by my bed and prayed, "Oh, Lord, I am Your child. I am giving myself to You completely. Work in me what You want to work. Make me what You want me to be"...
The Power of PrayerWhat has prayer accomplished in the Bible and in Church history? What can prayer do today? ...
"Read! Read! Read!" (4)What is true of ministers is true of all our people. YOU need to read. We are quite persuaded that the best way for you to be spending your leisure, is to be either reading or praying...
"Read! Read! Read!" (2)John Wesley had no sympathy for the preacher who is not a serious student. He said, “Gentlemen, either read or get out of the ministry.”...
Following the example of JesusWhat does it mean to follow the example of Christ? How did He live and what can we learn from it? ...
Needful GraceGod does not give grace — until the hour of trial comes. But when it does come — the amount of grace is granted...
Ritual or Relationship?Christianity is an intimate, growing relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. It is not a set of doctrines to believe, habits to practice, or sins to avoid...