The Chocolate Soldier (12)We Christians too often substitude prayer for playing the game. Prayer is good: but when used as a substitute for obedience...
The Chocolate Soldier (8)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
But here are other foot-tracks—outrageous ones: they can belong only to one man—that grandest of Christian paradoxes—the little giant Paul...
The Chocolate Soldier (7)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
JOHN THE BAPTIST—a man taught and made and sent of God—good old John! Who doesn't love and admire him?...
The Chocolate Soldier (5)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
NATHAN was another real Christian Soldier. He went to his king and rebuked him to his face...
The Chocolate Soldier (3)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
MOSES—Brought up as the Emperor's grandson with more than a good chance of coming to the throne, one thing only between him and it—Truth—what a choice!...
The Chocolate Soldier (1)Article series: The Chocolate Soldier
Heroism is the lost chord; the missing note of present-day Christianity! Every true soldier is a hero! A soldier without heroism is a chocolate soldier!...
Christ, the Motive in ServiceArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
“Do ALL for Christ,” said the dying Rutherford. “Beware of men pleasing—there is too much of it among us.”...
Living for the glory of the FatherYou were designed for it. You have missed the point without it. What is it? Living every day for the glory of the Father...
What kind of Jesus do you want? (6)Maybe today you want the Neiman Marcus Jesus, who will deliver all your golden dreams. He will be nothing less than your sovereign Savior King...
Christ Glorified in HeavenArticle series: Our Glorious Lord
“Christ crucified,” cuts all the cords below. “Christ glorified,” forms new links and eternal bonds above...